What are the school hours?
Students start the day in their classes at 9:00am and are dismissed at 3:30pm. All students should be at school by 8:50am to allow them time to unpack their bags and organise their belongings ready for learning.
Does the school promote healthy eating?
We encourage parents to provide a healthy, balanced and nutritious lunch and play lunch for their child/ren. All students are also encouraged to bring a water bottle to school each day.
Is there a lunch order service?
A lunch order service is available every Friday. Orders are made via an app. Lunches are delivered to the school at lunchtime.
Is the uniform compulsory?
All students are required to wear the Lucas Primary School uniform which includes black shoes and/or black runners. The uniform is available at the PSW store in Howitt Street.
Are there any extra curricula opportunities?
The school offers instrumental music lessons in drums and guitar, sporting clinics, swimming, a range of excursions and camps to further enhance learning opportunities for students.