At Lucas Primary School, our literacy program is based on the Victorian Curriculum covering the areas of Reading and Viewing, Writing and Speaking and Listening. We have a strong focus on literacy learning and believe it is essential that all students have the opportunity to achieve their best in this priority area.

Our numeracy program is based on the Victorian Curriculum covering the areas of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. One hour of Numeracy is completed every day with targeted, focussed teaching occurring at students’ point of need, determined by student data. An additional half an hour of Getting Ready in Numeracy (GRIN) is taught once a week. GRIN focuses on front loading students with the vocabulary and skills required for the topic covered in the following week.

Integrated Curriculum
At Lucas Primary School, engaging topics are developed incorporating multiple learning areas and capabilities within the Victorian Curriculum. Topics include Me, My Community & Beyond, The World Around Us, Me as a Scientist, Sustainability and Citizenship. Within these topics, a range of learning experiences are provided with opportunities for students to research, investigate, problem solve, think creatively, collaborate and take action beyond the classroom.

Digital Technologies
At Lucas Primary School, digital technologies are incorporated across all learning areas. Our learning communities (classrooms) are well equipped with Interactive TVs, large screen projectors, Chromebooks and iPads which are used to enhance student learning.

Physical Education
Lucas Primary School takes pride in providing all students with a one hour weekly Physical Education lesson taught by a specialist Health and Physical Education teacher. We have excellent new facilities including a full court indoor gym that allows for wet weather Physical Education lessons. Outside we have two hard courts equipped for basketball, netball, tennis and volleyball as well as two large grass ovals.

Visual Arts
The Visual Arts program at Lucas Primary School offers a diverse range of opportunities for students to become curious and creative learners through the exploration of different media and the development of skills and processes.

Performing Arts
At Lucas Primary School, the Performing Arts program incorporates Music and Singing, Drama and Dance. When focusing on music and singing, students learn about the elements of music including pitch, dynamics, tempo, timbre, duration, rhythm and beat. Through play and practice, they experiment with a variety of musical instruments and compose music with their peers. When exploring singing, students learn to sing in tune and to work with others to sing in harmony.

The Japanese language program started at Lucas Primary School in 2023 and all Grade 1 to 6 students in the school participate in one 60 minute lesson per week.
Japanese lessons focus on having fun and developing Japanese knowledge, understanding and skills by participating in a variety of tasks and activities such as singing songs and playing oral, written and electronic games. Games are always exciting for students and are a fun way to build students’ teamwork, respect and responsibility.
Japanese lessons focus on having fun and developing Japanese knowledge, understanding and skills by participating in a variety of tasks and activities such as singing songs and playing oral, written and electronic games. Games are always exciting for students and are a fun way to build students’ teamwork, respect and responsibility.